Për të përfituar nga shërbimet e lidhura dhe abonimet e automjetit tuaj Jaguar, nevojitet që, fillimisht, të aktivizoni llogarinë tuaj InControl dhe të regjistroni automjetin tuaj. Këta hapa mund t’i kryeni në faqen e internetit Jaguar InControl.
Shërbimet tuaja InControl do të aktivizohen vetëm pasi të keni krijuar llogarinë dhe të keni kryer të gjithë hapat e mëposhtëm.
Në listën e aplikacioneve të Pivi Pro, shtypni ikonën Connect Accounts (Lidhni llogaritë) dhe kërkoni për aplikacionin që dëshironi të lidhni. Ju mund të skanoni kodin QR me telefonin tuaj inteligjent ose të zgjidhni Email Me (Më dërgo email) për t’ju dërguar një lidhje me faqen e hyrjes në email-in tuaj.
Pasi të jeni lidhur, mund ta përdorni menjëherë shërbimin në automjetin tuaj. Shërbimet e lidhura do të shfaqen si ikonë në listën e aplikacioneve, si burim media në aplikacionin e medias ose si kalendar aktiv në aplikacionin Agenda.
No, your vehicle comes equipped with a SIM card, which enables the use of:
Connected Navigation (Related Navigation)1 and relevant related features/ services
These services require a valid and active subscription. The mobile Internet is involved in the subscription, no other contracts or SIM cards are needleed for the patience of the subscription.
Optional features and their availability may vary from vehicle specification (model and power group), or require the installation of other features to adapt. Please contact your local seller authorized for more details or configure your online vehicle.
Features in the car should only be used by drivers when it is safe to do so. Leaders must ensure that they have full control over the vehicle all the time.
Functions, options, third-party services and the availability of Pivi and InControl remain dependent on the market - contact your authorized Jaguar seller for the availability of the domestic market and full conditions. Some features come with subscription, which will require further renewal after the initial deadline advised by your authorized Seller. The connection of the mobile network cannot be guaranteed in all locations. Information and images displayed regarding InControl technology, including screens or sequences, are subject to software updates, version control, and other system changes/visual depending on the selected options.
Apple CarPlay is a trademark of Apple Inc. Apple Inc's conditions can be applied to the end user.
Android Auto is a Google LLC trademark.
1For the Connected Navigation system, further subscription will be needed after the initial deadline advised by your authorized Jaguar seller.
3Your car is prepared for Apple CarPlay. The services provided by Apple CarPlay depend on the availability of features in your country, please see https://www.apple.com/uk/ios/feature-availability/#apple-carplay for more information.
4Your car is prepared for Android Auto. The services provided by Android Auto depend on the availability of features in your country, please see https://www.android.com/auto/ for more information.
6The policy of fair use is implemented. Once 20 GB of mobile internet is used within a month, the speed and functionality of the Internet in the vehicle can be reduced for the rest of the month.